How to use pyhydllp

This section will describe how to use the pyhydllp package. The Hyd class and functions depend heavily on the Pandas package. Nearly all outputs are either as Pandas Series or DataFrames.


The package and general usage is via the main Hyd class with the parameters shown below.

from pyhydllp import hyd

ini_path = r'\\fileservices02\ManagedShares\Data\Hydstra\prod\hyd'
dll_path = r'\\fileservices02\ManagedShares\Data\Hydstra\prod\hyd\sys\run'
username = ''
password = ''
hydllp_filename = 'hydllp.dll'
hyaccess_filename = 'Hyaccess.ini'
hyconfig_filename = 'HYCONFIG.INI'

hyd1 = hyd(ini_path, dll_path, hydllp_filename=hydllp_filename,
           hyaccess_filename=hyaccess_filename, hyconfig_filename=hyconfig_filename,
           username=username, password=password)

Then all of the functions can be accessed via the newly initiated hyd1 object. The following example won’t work outside of ECan:

sites = [70105, 69607]
datasource = 'A'
varfrom = 100 # the 100 code is water level
varto = 140 # the 140 code is flow
qual_codes = [30, 20, 10 ,11, 21, 18] # It's best to specify as hydllp can
                                      # return bad values for a qual_code 255
from_mod_date = '2018-01-01'
to_mod_date = '2018-03-26'

sites_var = hyd1.get_variable_list(sites)


ch1 = hyd1.ts_data_changes(varto=[varfrom], sites=sites, from_mod_date=from_mod_date,

tsdata = hyd1.get_ts_data(sites=sites, start=from_mod_date, end=to_mod_date,
                          varfrom=varfrom, varto=varto, datasource=datasource,
